What is most precious in the world?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
We appreciate the present day, enjoy the share. It will stay on a very formal level. When someone brings a glass of water, then we say it, you too - Thanks a lot, a lot - so would have no meaning. When you're in the Sahara Desert and are really thirsty and give you a glass of water and tells you so - thanks, these are real.
Just like in life when we only superficially the treats, and lacks the depth, the life is very dull and useless - which seems to be. We reality, truth, and increasing the level of a real heart-to-heart relationship. Should not the same I say spirituality. Spirituality occurs when you are added to its existence as a fact. In childhood we all do. Remember when you were a kid, the whole universe, the earth, everything was so alive, the moon was speaking vegetation spoke, the animals talk, you and all the universe had a real conversation , remember? Have you seen cartoon kids, even the trees talk to them, they are a world apart. Now the question is whether we, while keeping the same innocence, can touch the heights of wisdom? I say, can touch. Both wisdom and innocence of the world's most precious commodity. There are people who are smart, but crooked, and innocent but is easy to be fooled. But that knowledge is needed, while retaining the innocence made wise.
Just like in life when we only superficially the treats, and lacks the depth, the life is very dull and useless - which seems to be. We reality, truth, and increasing the level of a real heart-to-heart relationship. Should not the same I say spirituality. Spirituality occurs when you are added to its existence as a fact. In childhood we all do. Remember when you were a kid, the whole universe, the earth, everything was so alive, the moon was speaking vegetation spoke, the animals talk, you and all the universe had a real conversation , remember? Have you seen cartoon kids, even the trees talk to them, they are a world apart. Now the question is whether we, while keeping the same innocence, can touch the heights of wisdom? I say, can touch. Both wisdom and innocence of the world's most precious commodity. There are people who are smart, but crooked, and innocent but is easy to be fooled. But that knowledge is needed, while retaining the innocence made wise.
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